Testimonials in English
❝ Lily is a great tutor, with a deep understanding of different cultures. I like her style of taking down every single mistake I made and reviewing all the errors with me as we pause our conversation. In addition, she is an active listener, who will offer diverse or clearer expressions of words/sentences to help students improve their skills. I really enjoy her teaching style and you won't be regretful to take her class. ❞
— JZ, Mainland China (Jan 2022)
— Noor, United Kingdom (June 2021)
Testimonials from Asia
▪ Chinese (中文)
❝ Lily 是個很認真的老師。會十分仔細的聽 學生的句子 給予文法修正 和 選字的建議。也會幫助學生 練習英文朗讀 的流暢度 Lily也會把重點寫下來 利用每次上完課前3-5分鐘 老師會帶學生 複習當天的重點練習且改正當天發音/文法/單字用法的錯誤。十分推薦!❞
translated by Google: Lily is a very serious teacher. He will listen to the students' sentences very carefully and give suggestions on grammar correction and word selection. It will also help students to practice fluency in English reading aloud Lily will also write down the key points. Using 3-5 minutes before the end of each class, the teacher will lead the students to review the key exercises of the day and correct the mistakes in pronunciation/grammar/word usage of the day. Highly recommended!
— Ming, Taiwan (Mar 2022)
❝ Lily 是我面遇過最好的老師之一。他的課程生動有趣,並且會在課堂上糾正你的錯誤,提供你更多不同種當地的用法。我推薦給有一定英文基礎並想要更上一層的人。 ❞
translated by Google: Lily is one of the best teachers I have ever met. His courses are lively and interesting, and will correct your mistakes in class, and provide you with more different kinds of local usage. I recommend it to people who have a certain English foundation and want to go to the next level.
— Sharon, Taiwan (October 2021)
❝ Lily是我最喜欢的老师,也是对我帮助最大的。她不仅会纠正我的发音和语法,还会在对话中教给我最地道的英文说法。在用课件学习的时候,她也会根据课件内容延伸许多新的词汇和语句,并不只是简单的念课件。如果你想真正提高你的英语口语,发音词汇以及语法,我强烈推荐Lily! ❞
translated by Google: Lily is my favorite teacher and the one who helped me the most. She not only corrects my pronunciation and grammar, but also teaches me the most authentic English language in the dialogue. When learning with courseware, she will also extend many new vocabulary and sentences based on the content of the courseware, not just reading the courseware. If you want to really improve your spoken English, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, I highly recommend Lily!
— Kathy, USA (August 2021)
▪ Japanese (日本)
❝ とても明るくフレンドリーで話しやすいです。チャットも的確で丁寧に説明してくれます。時制、三単現sなど他の先生なら内容が通じていれば指摘されないところも細かく教えてくれます。丁寧に進めたい方にぜひオススメです!!❞
translated by Google: Very bright, friendly and easy to talk to. Chat is also accurate and polite. Other teachers, such as tense and triad s, will tell you in detail what is not pointed out if the content is familiar. Recommended for those who want to proceed carefully!!
— Tomo, Japan (December 2021)
❝ 発音を矯正したく、Lily先生は徹底的に細かく直してくれるので実際に上達してると実感してます。レッスンスタイルは、ざっくばらんに色々な話をして、その中で間違っている発音を教えてくれるため、レッスン内で直した発音を、直ぐに日常生活で使えるようになるのも推しポイントです☺️一番好きな先生で、学校の授業との兼ね合いでレッスンの予約が取りづらいですが、毎回楽しみにしてます🙋🏻♀️ ❞
translated by Google: I want to correct my pronunciation, and Mr. Lily will fix it thoroughly, so I feel that I'm actually improving. The lesson style talks about various things and teaches you the wrong pronunciation, so it is also recommended that you can immediately use the pronunciation corrected in the lesson in your daily life ☺️ It's difficult to book lessons with my favorite teacher because of the balance with school lessons, but I'm looking forward to it every time 🙋🏻♀️
— Mio, Canada (October 2021)
❝ Lilyに発音の矯正をしてもらって3ヶ月近くになりますが明らかに自分の発音が変わってきたのを感じています。日本人なのでどうしてもRやL,thの発音に癖があり、それらを日常会話をする中で直してくれるので実践的で非常に分かりやすく説明してくれます。また、とても辛抱強く聞いてくれるのでできるまで何度も繰り返し一緒に練習してくれます。発音だけだけでなく文法ももちろん直してくれるし、同じ意味で他の表現も必ずセットで紹介してくれるのでそこが助かっています。最初の1ヶ月を過ぎると明らかに効果が分かるので(週4日)辛抱強く彼女と練習していけば必ず自信がつくと思います!彼女が先生を続けていく限り一生レッスンを取りたいと思わせてくれます!She is the best!! ❞
translated by Google: It's been almost three months since I had Lily correct my pronunciation, but I clearly feel that my pronunciation has changed. Since I am Japanese, I have a habit of pronouncing R, L, and th, and they are corrected in daily conversation, so they explain it in a practical and very easy-to-understand manner. Also, they listen very patiently, so they practice together over and over again until they can. Not only the pronunciation but also the grammar is corrected, of course, and other expressions with the same meaning are always introduced as a set, which is helpful. After the first month, you can clearly see the effect (4 days a week), so if you practice with her patiently, you will surely gain confidence! It makes me want to take lessons for the rest of my life as long as she continues to be a teacher! She is the best!!
— Ethan, Canada (July 2021)
▪ Korean (한국인)
❝ 영어 교정을 정말 잘해주시는 선생님입니다. 그리고 필요한 목적에 따라 잘 가르쳐주세요. 추천합니다! 항상 감사합니다 선생님~~~ ❞
translated by Google: He is a very good English teacher. And teach them well according to the purpose you need. I recommend it! thank you always sir.
— DY, United States (March 2022)
❝ Lily Hwang 선생님은 특별한 교육 방법을 가지고 있습니다. 저는 주로 자유주제로 대화를 시작합니다. 선생님은 저의 대답을 듣고 제가 말하려고 하는 문장의 다양한 뉘앙스를 포착하여 여러가지 상황에 맞는 문장들을 알려주십니다. 항상 열정적인 수업에 감사드립니다. ❞
translated by Google: Lily Hwang has a special teaching method. I usually start conversations with free topics. The teacher listens to my answers, captures the various nuances of the sentences I am trying to say, and provides sentences suitable for various situations. Thank you for your always enthusiastic class.
— Jung, South Korea (September 2021)
❝ 내가 어떻게 말하고 있는지 정확하게 알 수 있어요! 수업시간에 가르쳐주신걸 다 적어주셔서 복습도 할 수 있고, 선생님이 너무 좋으세요! 유학이나 교환학생 준비하시는 분들 더 추천해요 :)❞
translated by Google: You know exactly what I'm talking about! You wrote down everything you taught in class so you can review it, and the teacher is so good! I highly recommend it to those who are preparing to study abroad or exchange students :)
— Seong, South Korea (June 2021)
Testimonials from Middle East
▪ Arabic (عربي)
❝ معلمة لطيفه وصبوره والحصه معها ممتعه جداا لديها طريقه جميله وسهله وتشع حيويه وتصحيح النطق والقواعد النحويه ومقرنة نطق كلمه بكلمه حتا تصل للنطق الصحيح انصح فيه وبشده أشكرك على كل المعرفة التي شاركتها وقدمتها بشكل رائع. اتطلع دائمًا إلى فصولك الدراسية، شكرا جزيلًا لك، ❞
translated by Google: A nice and patient teacher, and the lesson with her is very enjoyable. She has a beautiful and easy way, radiates vitality, corrects pronunciation and grammar, and pairs the pronunciation of word for word until you reach the correct pronunciation. I highly recommend it. Thank you for all the knowledge that you shared and presented in a wonderful way. I always look forward to your classes, thank you very much,
— Mune, Saudi Arabia (April 2021)
▪ Turkish (Türk)
❝ Lily gerçekten harika bir eğitmen. Konuşurken zamanın nasıl geçtiğini anlamıyorsunuz. Hem akıcı hem yararlı bir ders geçirmiş oluyorsunuz. Farklı kelimeler, phrasal verbler akılda kalıcı bir şekilde öğretiyor. Onunla karşılaştığımdan beri başka eğitmen ile konuşmuyorum:) iyiki varsın Lily :) ❞
translated by Google: Lily is a really great trainer. You don't understand how time flies when you talk. You have had a fluent and useful lesson. Different words, phrasal verbs teach in a catchy way. I haven't been talking to another trainer since I met her :) good luck Lily :)
— Busra, Turkey (July 2021)
Testimonials from South America
▪ Brazilian Portuguese (Portugues do Brasil)
❝ Lily é talvez a melhor professora que eu já tive. Ela é muito atenciosa aos detalhes e sempre dá feedbacks MUITO bons e detalhados sobre erros. É paciente e tem uma ótima didática. Pretendo continuar tendo aulas com ela. ❞
translated by Google: Lily is perhaps the best teacher I've ever had. She is very attentive to details and always gives VERY good and detailed bug feedback. She is patient and has great teaching skills. I plan to continue taking classes with her.
— Ricardo, Brazil (November 2021)
❝ Lily são excelentes. Ela possui uma ótima didática e posso aprender muito com ela. Obrigada, Lily. ❞
translated by Google: Lily's classes were excellent. She has a great teaching skills and I can learn a lot from her. Thank you, Lily.
— Rosa, Brazil (October 2021)
❝ Considero Lily uma das melhores tutoras. Ensina quando se deve usar e quais palavras no contexto que deseja.Alegre e atenta nas conversações que são muito proveitosas. ❞
translated by Google: I consider Lily one of the best tutors. Teach when to use and which words in the context you want. Cheerful and attentive in conversations that are very fruitful.
— Layla, Brazil (October 2021)
Testimonials: last updated Mar 2022